Sunday, August 23, 2015

Putting things in, taking things out

On Friday I had a portacath placed to facilitate chemo delivery.  A portacath is basically a fancy IV that sits under the skin and allows for direct access to a larger vein. I was very nervous about getting one but have to say I'm very glad to have it - no more needle sticks in my arms!  They also give you conscious sedation.  I was hoping to not be aware of anything, but I guess I didn't take to the sedation as well as I'd hoped... I did eventually doze off, but all the nurses were, um, impressed with the amount of medication I ended up having... I guess I was squirming way too much, aware or not.

Immediately before that procedure we met with a gynecologic oncologist.  She was fairly sure that the colon cancer had spread to the ovary.  (Can I get a "stage IV?")  It would be very unlikely for me to have two primary cancers at different sites, at roughly the same time, especially when it is not uncommon for something in the colon to directly transfer to the ovary.  She said the ovaries are often "sanctuary sites" for stuff and things happening in the lower abdomen.

Her recommendation then is to remove both ovaries when the tumor is removed. And, as managing hormones with a uterus but no ovaries can have its own complications, she would think about removing my uterus as well.  

Better safe than sorry.  And even though this totally sucks, how fortunate that I got to have my two beautiful babies before any of this happened.  I feel for the women who wanted that option and did not get it, whether due to cancer or something else.  You are all far stronger than I am.

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