Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bridge Free!

It turns out that having an ostomy is weirder than you could imagine.  Mine is saving me from incredible pain and other complications, allowing for very necessary treatment, and (bonus) should only be temporary.  Amazing, this thing they can do... but still, not the most convenient thing in the world.  I've learned that sometimes when they do this, especially with a loop procedure like I had, they place a flat X-shaped piece of plastic underneath the loop and extending to either side, secured to the abdomen with a stitch at each end point.  This "bridge" helps with healing and is typically removed after about 10 days.

I got a bridge, and this made it even less convenient and a bit more uncomfortable than it would have been otherwise.  Plastic digging into your skin is not cool.  Plus, a lot of nurses are unfamiliar with the bridge phenomenon and don't have a lot of tips for care and maintenance while it's in place.  At my surgical follow up last week - 15 days post-op -  I was expecting it to be removed, but my surgeon said, "One more week."

It was a long week - but today I had my last follow up (23 days post-op!!) and finally had the bridge removed.  My surgeon said I'd notice the difference immediately; literally, as soon as I sit up, he says.  I'm so happy he was right.  Bridge free!

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