Sunday, October 11, 2015

Normal, except for that cancer thing

Last week was the start of getting back to normal.  I made it through an entire week of work; three days I was actually in the office.  This weekend I drove my daughter to ballet; did the grocery shopping; caught up on the finances; played with the little guy; had lovely visits from friends; went out to dinner with the family; finally weeded the flowers in front of the house and started cleaning up the garden.  I could do all these things without getting totally exhausted.  I still need to rest more than I used to and I still catch myself tensed up and hunched over from time to time.  But aside from the appointment on my calendar for the next course of chemotherapy, I almost, *almost* for one second forgot about that pesky cancer diagnosis.  Unless I take more than a glance at my belly and it's snazzy new decorations, I almost, *almost* forget about the surgeries that stole my summer.  Almost.

It's there though, that appointment, and I'm already feeling anxious about it.  It's on a Wednesday this time since tomorrow is a holiday that Dana-Farber recognizes.  All that really means is one of my blah days will be on the weekend.  Because of that there's a chance I won't get to see my daughter's next play.  Fingers crossed the pattern is the same as the first and the side effects fade by day five so I can catch her Sunday matinee.

Until then, I'm going to try not to think about it.  Here's a silly picture of my kids to distract us.


  1. This is a great news! Hope you make the play. Xo

  2. Erin. Fatigue and nausea are the hardest. Listen to your chemo nurse he/she will get you through it. You are awesome! - Marian
