Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fruits and Foils are Evil

This time around the sensitivity to cold side affect is rearing its ugly head.  Yesterday after we got home I felt like having some grapes.  I took them out of the fridge (hmm, cold) and rinsed them off (water is also cold) and started to pull some off the vine into a bowl.  About two grapes in I had to stop - grapes are really cold!  I also had some tingling that would get more and more intense the longer I held the grape.  After another minute of this I gave up and my husband got me my grapes.

I also wanted a small bit of cheese to go with my grapes.  I had an unopened package of sharp Vermont white, also in the fridge.  I took it out and tried to open the foil wrapping.  Foil in the fridge is freaking cold!!  I ended up having to hold it in a paper towel to get it open and to hold it while I cut it.

I also took a sip of just-a-little-bit-too-cold water and got the frog in the throat feeling.  But not everything is awful.  Different cold materials give me different reactions.  Fruits and foils are EVIL.  Glass and ceramic are almost as bad.  Plastics and papers, not so much.  Walking barefoot on a cold floor is tingly.  Outside door handles aren't too bad but I did take a walk on the very cold day a couple weeks ago, I think it was day 4 of course 2, and felt weirdness in my ears and sinus that stopped once I was inside.    I'll be wearing my hat pulled down and my scarf wrapped all around my face this winter.  Either that or I won't leave the house til March.

It's supposed to wear off after a couple days, but it's one of the cumulative side affects.  My oncologist said if it gets terrible they can dial back the oxaliplatin, the drug that causes it, and that usually helps.  For some patients they cut it out all together towards the end.  I guess I have a ways to go before I can cry uncle in good conscience.

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