Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Course 1 - pump free!

Okay, first infusion officially and completely done.  I headed back to DFCI today to get the pump disconnected.  A few minutes after 3pm it let out a high-pitched whine letting me know that it was empty.  Luckily I was already in a comfy chair in the infusion center before that happened.  My nurse showed me how to disconnect the tubing from my port, then flushed the port with saline, "locked" it with heparin, and de-accessed it (removed the needle).  It is expected that I can do all that myself going forward, at home, to save me the trip in... I'm not convinced yet, but I'll get another training session next time.

So far it has not been terrible: some trouble sleeping the first night, thanks to one of the anti-nausea meds; noticeable yet tolerable nausea at various points since yesterday morning; not much of an appetite; generally tired and feeling kind of meh.  I didn't take any of the additional prescribed nausea meds because I wanted to see how I really felt.  After describing my last couple days to the nurse she advised me to take it - no reason not to eliminate that symptom completely if possible (I took it while I was there, and will do so through tomorrow).  Now I wait and see how long it takes to bounce back.

I found the worst part to be the stupid pump.  It reminded me too much of the hospital.

And now, maybe a nap...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin,

    We have worked together at NEPC. You produced a CRM report for me, which I still use.

    My heart sunk when I heard this news.

    I wish you a speedy recovery. You are a fighter and everything will be fine soon.

    Take Care
