Saturday, September 2, 2017

Walking, Writing, and Waiting

I am still training for the Jimmy Fund Walk at the end of this month.  I am walking.  I am walking a lot, to which the picture at the end attests.  I am getting better at pushing through the wall that I hit around mile 11.  After this morning's adventure I am feeling pretty confident that I'll do fine for the whole marathon on event day.  And now that I've jinxed it, please be prepared to radiate mega positive vibes for me on 9/24!

I am also writing about walking, and recovering, and other things.  I'm taking a short and most helpful personal essay writing course.  Attending to this blog has been immensely therapeutic and I found myself wanting to write more formally about it.  (Also, Lauren Brissette is waiting for my book, so...)  I'm adapting my blog post from a couple weeks ago (the day of my training half) for an assignment.  We'll see how that turns out.  I shall of course post it here when it's ready.

I am also waiting for my MRI results.  I have not yet gotten a call or seen any results posted on the patient portal.  The blockage has not recurred in the last 10 days or so; maybe it was a sign of my body readjusting to normal life and it won't ever come back.  Or maybe, now I just know how to chew my food really, really well.  Either way.


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