Friday, June 24, 2016

Surgeon Says

I had a followup with GI surgery today.  The doctor who performed my surgery last August is on maternity leave, so I met with her colleague, who just returned from maternity leave.  I had met her back in August also - I think I met all the GI surgeons on rounds, I was there so long.  Anyway.  After reviewing my history and such she felt that fixing me back up was possible but it would be difficult (same thing my original surgeon had said last December).  It would be another long surgery with another very long scar and a 6-week recovery.  Given the big mess that was the second surgery, the infection that required it, radiation treatment and so forth, she is sure there will be adhesions and scar tissue, the extent of which is the known unknown.  She can't promise the surgery would be successful - they have to just get in there and see what's what.  All that peppered with the usual "but you're young and healthy" so I'd have a relatively easy time dealing with it.  And this time, I wouldn't be wicked sick going into it.

So... what to do?

I don't know yet.  I'm gonna have a summer first, complete with vacation, and then probably a fall and a winter too, before I think too hard on it.  I would rather get all the way back to normal, but had hoped I wouldn't need the giant incision, because 1) I already had one, 2) they don't have to take a million things out of my body, and 3) it totally sucked.  Remember how long it took me to raise my arms above my head??  And not walk like a hunchback?  Ugh.  I don't wanna.  But also don't wanna deal with the alternative for the rest of my life if there's a chance I don't have to.  Because, you know, I'm young and healthy.  At least that's what they tell me.

I was going to wait for at least one more scan anyway, in case something comes back and I need more treatment, and that won't be til early December.  Once again then... more news as events warrant.


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