So that's cool. Thanks to my universe of supporters I've crushed my fundraising goal - but if you're late to the party, donations still accepted :)
Today was the 10th treatment. So far, mostly so good. There are indeed side affects but it wouldn't be polite to discuss them here. Fatigue of some kind does seem to be settling in already though. That could be from the oral chemo as well. Or from hustling to and from BWH every freaking weekday. All the rest of my treatments are scheduled for 4:30pm; it takes me about 40 minutes to get there from work (subway), then anywhere from 60-90 to get home (bus-subway-bus). All for a 15 minute treatment.
I also have bona fide neuropathy now. My fingers tingle all the time and the tips of my toes are numb. It didn't start until a few days after my last chemo. My oncologist's assistant let me know it could take months to fade. Thanks a bunch, evil drug oxaliplatin! At least it isn't painful. Just super weird and annoying.
Onward... and upward... sigh.
It's been a year since shingles and I still have the tingles on my face. Kevin has one toe that's numb...possible tarsal tunnel. Anyway not trying to compare, but just wanted you to know that we know that one weirdness. Hopefully it goes away soon for you. Love you and glad to hear your fund raising exceeded expectations! Hope the other unmentionable side affects and fatigue resolve quickly as well. Xo