Sunday, August 30, 2015

Go take a walk!

Today was a milestone... I took a walk!!  It was short, and slow, but it didn't hurt like I thought it would.  Big, big win.  Having had all this pain, I am constantly in fear of having more, and the anticipation is often the worst part.  Pain is still there, hanging out trying to sell me something, but I'm learning to mentally just say no.

A couple other things I learned from my walk:

1.  Speed is NOT IMPORTANT. 

I have always walked fast.  Always.  I am the annoyed person trying to get around the tourists on Newbury Street or Atlantic Avenue.  Walking slow is just so inefficient for a fast walker.  But now that I can barely stand up I would like to apologize to everyone whose leisurely stroll I scoffed at, all those who walk slowly because that's as fast as they can go, who are injured or afraid of falling or who have pain.  I see a slower, gentler walking future for myself.

2.  I can STILL WALK.

Some people can't walk - never could, or lost the ability due to illness or injury.  I still can.  Sure, it hurts a bit now, but I can do it.  I apologize to my kids for having them get things for me, or not helping them look for a toy, or whatever, because I was tired or too comfy with Sunday morning coffee to be bothered.   What I wouldn't give to pick up my son's toys right now.  I'll still need help for a while, but will never not get up and walk to do whatever it is because I'm grateful I still can.

So all y'all who can, go take a walk and appreciate the amazing ability to do so.


  1. I am also totally the annoyed fast walker. I pledge that tomorrow, in your honor, I will walk more slowly to work and not begrudge the slow walkers on their way to work. Well, I will try. :)

  2. Your perspective is so amazing. That is what will pull you through. Hope they get the blood draw thing fixed. Soon. -Lori p. Hunter

  3. I am so glad to be reading your blog on the flip side and it is quite an accomplishment to get up, let along walk to the door. Congrats to you on that and you're probably doing a bit more by now, all towards building your strength up. Loved your perspective on walking, and the blog on THE BILL, so true!

  4. I walked today, in your honor. You are so amazing - so strong and brave. Thank you for sharing your journey with such candor and positivity. Rest up, get healthy and strong again and you will be back at work in no time.

    - Terri
