Friday, September 22, 2017

What not to eat

I had another partial obstruction today.  Well, I'm deciding that that's what these are, even though the MRI said there was no evidence.  There is some kind of thickening of the intestinal wall, or passage narrowing, or both, at the site of my ileostomy takedown.  My surgeon is sure it is not an enterocutanious fistula because there is no clinical evidence of one (thank goodness; I'm done with extra holes in  my belly).

So instead I get to figure out what things bug my intestines.  I now think the very first episode was mushrooms, because it was the only food in common with the second episode, even though the second was far less debilitating.  I must also chew tortilla chips really, really well, and not drink margaritas that might have fruit pulp in them (episode 3).  Arugula must be without stems (episode 4).  Beef brisket needs extreme mastication, as does all red meat in fact (episode 5).  I can't figure out what caused episode 6.  But I'll never eat a link of sausage again (today's episode); the casings are worse than any fruit or vegetable skin, with which I have no problem whatsoever, at least not so far.

Today's was bad; today was painful.  I recognize them now.  Today I knew within a couple hours, and after a total of eleven, it was finally mostly gone.  Recovery goes like this: stop eating; sometimes lose the food you've already eaten; walk around if you can manage; then lie down; heating pad; belly massage & hot tea on repeat; wait to hear the gurgles that signal it's receding.  Sometimes this happens when you are at work, or when you're about to go on a marathon training walk, or when you're asleep... you just never know.

I know there are others out there with far worse GI issues than mine.  I'm glad these don't happen all the time.  I'm glad the cramping isn't worse than labor pains, most of the time.  I will consider it an opportunity to fully savor every bite, for the rest of my life.

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