Monday, July 31, 2017


Two years ago on this day my cancer diagnosis was confirmed.  I have lots of anniversaries now.  I remember all the dates:

3/6 - the stomach bug I never had
7/26 - the day it all started
7/28 - surgery 1 of 4
7/31 - diagnosis confirmed
8/27 - surgery 2 of 4 (aka the big one)
9/28 - first chemo
10/5 - first day back in the office post-diagnosis
12/21 - allergic reaction to chemo
2/29 - last chemo
3/23 - first radiation
4/29 - last radiation *end of treatment*
6/15 - first post-treatment scan (of many)
2/24 - surgery 3 of 4
5/10 - surgery 4 of 4 *end of surgeries*

I did not look them up; they are etched in my gray matter.  I have also named my summers:

2015 - Summer of Shock
2016 - Summer of Recuperation
2017 - Summer of Frankenbelly

I expect that 2018 will be the Summer of Not Thinking Much About This Anymore. 

Tomorrow I'll request additional claims detail from Blue Cross, through today, and we'll see what two years of a stage IV colorectal cancer diagnosis gets us in total.

More news as events warrant.  A happy summer to all.

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