Thursday, June 15, 2017

Scans & Shirts

I had my every-six-months CT scan yesterday.  I almost pulled a vasovagal with the IV.  I was proactively reclined and adequately distracted; a minute after it was in I felt the now familiar sinking of my blood pressure.  Deep breaths and a cool cloth pulled me back from the edge.  Typically I see my oncologist on Fridays for the results, but this time we had to reschedule for Monday.  A whole weekend of scanxiety. 

2 out of 3 bloodwork results came in last night.  My glucose is high.  It was high during my last hospital stay too; they tested me three times for that.  Now I'm convinced I have diabetes.  My daughter's advice: "Put the phone down, Mom.  Google does not have a medical degree."

I am still waiting for the CEA result (tumor marker).

Today I'm wearing a shirt that is tucked into my pants. I haven't been able to do that for almost two years.  I still have a hole in my belly but it's the size of a mouse nibble now instead of... something maybe fifty times the size of a mouse nibble.  Pretty amazing, this body healing itself stuff.

So, a pretty good day so far.

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