Once again, I've registered for the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk. This year we get to go back to the actual Boston Marathon course - EXCITING - I cannot wait to see my cancer-fighting companions on the course, and give the honorary tap to all the Walk Heros along the way.
I don't write here so much anymore, but that doesn't mean nothing is happening. Luckily truly nothing is happening on the cancer front - I am still cancer-free. This year my next colonoscopy is due; no problem, just give me that sweet, sweet IV (that I hate) and let me sleep through it.
Not-as-luckily, I've had a couple more diagnoses that I attribute directly to my cancer experience. In early 2021 I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease, an autoimmune disease caused by hyperthyroidism. I lost a ton of weight the year before and noticed my heart was beating hard and fast a lot. An attentive nurse at one of my routine doctor visits suggested I mention these symptoms to the doctor, and many tests later, lo and behold, hyperthyroidism. This condition can be triggered by stress. I've had so many medical appointments, I have a lot of historical data on my weight and heart rate, and I can tie this diagnosis back to some particularly stressful work events, that were stressful in large part to cancer-survival-realizations. I'm on medication and it has helped tremendously. Trying very hard to live the stress-free life.
Last summer I also finally had a scan to establish a baseline for bone density. Given my medically-induced early menopause and radiation treatment, osteoporosis was always something I'd have to think about. Graves can also exacerbate bone loss. Anyway, I have osteoporosis, too. I am not taking any medication yet because too many potential side effects that I just can't deal with right now - I am seriously over-quota for medical nonsense. Instead, I'm hyper-aware of my calcium intake and doing a lot more weight-bearing exercise.
Cancer is the gift that just keeps on giving no matter what you do, better or worse. But I'm still here and I'll walk another marathon and fight this good fight for as long as I can.
Onward and upward.