While training for the Jimmy Fund Walk last year, I posted some of my longer walking routes and asked for ideas of long walks completely within the bounds of my town, Arlington MA. I got some nice ideas, and ended up with a cool zig-zag route and also a spiral. Someone had the idea that I should try and spell my name. I didn't try it last year, but remembered it for this year. I attempted a couple of letters and the Arlington Walk Font was born.
These aren't contained within the bounds of Arlington, but they all begin and end there. I have 4 so far. I've planned the next 5 or 6, up through the 13-mile training walk. After that I may try a word or two.
Stay tuned for the next #arlingtonwalkfont training letters... and consider a donation!
A is for Arlington
E is for me
J is for Jimmy Fund
W is for Walk